Notes - 20-06-2024







 "to spread Your words, Your love and Your glory"



"to be the salt and light of the world"


"blessed to be a blessing to others"



Pimpin aku, Bapa.

Terangi aku, lindungi aku di jalanMu.

Letakkan padaku,

agar semua yang keluar berasal dariMu saja,

bukan dari pengertianku sendiri atau kesombonganku.

Agar dengan kerendahan hati aku bekerja bagiMu.

 Reaffirming my intention to serve Him according to His will in whatever He puts in me , and wherever He places me, and to live as the light and the salt for His Glory. Please lead me, protect me and help me, God.


"dalam kelemahan, aku kuat"

"pengalaman membuat sombong, iman membuatku kuat"




*notes for self reminder*