Sansevieria - A Healthy Plant

Sansevieria is a genus of about 70 species of flowering plants (angiosperms), whose common names include mother-in-law's tongue in Britain and snake plant in the US. It is the perfect houseplant, particularly for people who tend to neglect their plants. It will grow in bright sunshine or shade, draughts and periods without water, and it rarely needs repotting. It can, however, be quite easily killed by prolonged overwatered and prolonged exposure to near freezing temperatures. Sansevieria is a heat-loving plant, and thrives best at 10 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Image courtesy of Idoquest

Sansevierias are succulent plants- they have strong, stiff, almost plastic-like, succulent leaves that erupt right out the ground from the roots or rhizomes. There are no stems or trunks. Colors include dark green, pale green, green adged with yellow, and variegated light green and yellow. Some species send up delicate flower spikes. Some have thin, flat, upright leaves while others have nearly cylindrical, arching or straight, spear-like leaves that end in sharp points. They vay in size from less than 15 cm tall to over 20 cm in height.

 Image courtesy of The Plant Addict

This plant regains its popularity in 1999, when after a 25-year research, NASA revealed that Sansevieria has an excellent capability of absorbing 107 unknown air pollutant including carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen monoxide (NO). Another study by Wolverton Environmental Service founds that this plant absorbs formaldehyde, chloroform, benzene, xylene, and trichloroethylene. Thus Sansevieria does the job of purifying the indoor air.

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There are about 15 plants that NASA recommended as pollutant absorber plants, but Sansevieria is apparently to be the most ideal, as this plant is easy to grow, has a  long life  time with excellent capacity to absorb many household toxic airborne pollutants and convert them to harmless substances. A study find out that Sansevieria can absorb up to 80% air pollutant. Putting two potted mature Sansevieria can clean the air pollution of a 9 squaremeter room. Another virtue of Sansevieria is it also has CAM metabolism (crasulaceaen acid metabolism); release oxygen to the air at night, despite of consuming it like other plants commonly do.  This makes Sansevieria ideal to be used as indoor plant, as a natural way to fight the Sick Building Syndrome.

Image courtesy of Daily Health Care

Considering the kind of toxic airborne substances this Sansevieria can absorb, by using it as indoor plant you will be saved from wide range of health risks such as,  irritation on skin and eyes, dizziness, weakness, euphoria, headache, nausea, blurred vision, respiratory diseases, tremors, irregular heartbeat, liver and kidney damage, paralysis and unconsciousness.

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