
Showing posts from 2011

^-^ Song for You - Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker (Sissel Kyrkjebø)

* * * I like to sing this song... Enjoy! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! * * *

Message of The Day

    * ** *** "Captain Abu Raed"

The Sky Wanderers

* ** *** Twinkle, twinkle... little star, how I wonder what you are Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle... little star, how I wonder what you are *** ** * - click  this link to see more pictures -

^-^ Song for You - Novembre (Giusy Canta)

  Enjoy! Lyric: Ho difeso le mie scelte io ho creduto nelle attese io ho saputo dire spesso di no con te non ci riuscivo

^Song for You^ - Something Stupid (Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman)

Enjoy your weekend! :)

Health & Beauty: Nasi Desa UbiMix

    Pada umumnya, orang Indonesia akan mengatakan dan merasakan kalau belum makan nasi, artinya belum makan dan belum kenyang. Tapi

Message of The Day

* ** *** mixing color  -  trial&error


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^-^ Song for You - Try to Remember (Nana Mouskouri)

Enjoy! Lyric:

Zero Smoking: Video Education for Smokers: "This will make you s...

Zero Smoking: Video Education for Smokers: "This will make you s...

^-^ Song for You - I Finally Found (Leon Bolier feat. Simon Binkenborn)

Enjoy! Lyric:   Summer days we touch in heaven

^-^ Song for You - Dance With My Father (Luther Vandross)

  Enjoy! Lyric:

A Tribute To A Great Man

* ** *** Oh how I miss you so much After many years spent together When you taught me and trusted me When you showed your laugh to me

^-^ Song for You - Insieme A Te Non Ci Sto Più (Giusy Canta)

mm..this girl has a unique voice! Enjoy! Lyric: Insieme a te non ci sto più guardo le nuvole lassù cercavo in te la tenerezza che non ho la comprensione che non so trovare in questo mondo stupido

Message of The Day

    * ** *** June 10, 2011



^-^ Song for You - Stand by Me

No matter who you are, no matter where you go in your life, no matter how much money you got, at some point you're gonna need somebody, to stand by you. Enjoy!  

^-^ Song for You - Lemon Tree (Fools Garden)

  Enjoy! Lyric:

^-^ Song for You - L.O.V.E (Joss Stone)


Do You Know??

DO PEOPLE GET WETTER WHEN WALKING IN THE RAIN,  OR,  WHEN  RUNNING IN THE RAIN? The question of whether people will get wetter if they walk through the rain than if they run through it has been the subject of much bar room discussion. More than that, scientists have been considering the problem for many years, and have concluded that many factors can contribute to which method of progress exposes a person to more rain. Some factors are the speed and intensity of the rain, the build of the person, the direction and angle of the rain, and the distance traveled.

Message of The Day

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^-^ Song for You - E.T. (Katy Perry feat. Kanye West)

  Enjoy! Lyric:

Health & Beauty: Buah Manggis (Mangosteen)

Nama Latin: Garcinia mangostana L. Buah manggis, yang dikenal sebagai "queen of fruits" ini ternyata daging buahnya memiliki kandungan gizi yang relatif kecil. Meskipun demikian, buah manggis dengan rasa buahnya yang asam manis dan segar ini sangat disukai banyak orang. Buah manggis muda memiliki efek speriniostatik dan spermisida, yang berkaitan dengan kesuburan pria. Menurut Direktorat Gizi Depkes RI, Nilai Gizi per 100 gram buah manggis adalah sebagai berikut: Energi : 63 kkal Protein : 0,6 g Lemak : 0,6 g Karbohidrat : 15,6 g Kalsium : 8 mg Fosfor : 12 mg Besi : 0,8 mg Vitamin B1 : 0,03 mg Vitamin C : 2 mg Air : 83 g

^-^ Song for You - Way Back Into Love (Hugh Grant and Haley Bennett)


Great Art at My Eyes: "Kopf eines alten Mannes"

"Kopf eines alten Mannes" (Rembrandt van Rijn)

Message of The Day

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^-^ Song for You - The Phantom of the Opera (Michael Crawford & Sarah Brightman)


My Choice 4 Today's Fashion: *Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress*


Health & Beauty: Benefit of Garlic

Benefits of Garlic Scientific Name: Allium sativum Biological Background: This bulbous plant is closely related to onions, leeks, chives and is a member of Allium vegetables. Garlic is native to Central Asia, and has been cultivated for at least 5,000 years. Nutritional Information:

Science2Science: Hujan Meteor

Ilustrasi hujan meteor Apakah hujan meteor itu? Apakah mirip dengan peristiwa hujan biasa? Mengapa disebut ' hujan '? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut berasal dari rasa ingin tahu manusia. Semua hal yang menarik perhatian pasti akan mengundang pertanyaan lanjutan. Seperti halnya hujan meteor. Marilah kita kaji sejenak peristiwa alam yang unik ini.



Spices&Herbs: Sereh, Jahe

Serai (Lemon Grass) Nama Latin: Cymbopogon nardus Spesifikasi rasa: segar dengan harum lemon yang mild Deskripsi:

Hidangan Lezat Hasil Olah Ceker

Ceker atau kaki ayam sering dipandang remeh, padahal ceker dapat dijadikan santapan lezat-nikmat dengan cita rasa penuh sensasi. Tentunya, harus ada metode pengolahan yang prima agar ceker menjelma menjadi hidangan istimewa.

^-^ Song for You - Lean on Me (Michael Bolton)


Sexy Technology: 'Jam'

Tentunya kita telah mengetahui dan mengenal perangkat ini: jam . Fungsi utamanya adalah sebagai alat pengukur dan penampil waktu. Manusia memiliki banyak aktivitas yang terkait dengan waktu, misalkan waktu mulai dan selesai, waktu untuk menyelesaikan sebuah proses, waktu untuk istirahat, waktu makan, waktu minum teh, dsb. Bahkan dimensi waktu juga diikutkan sebagai parameter dalam formulasi matematika.

Message of The Day

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^-^ Song for You - You'll be in My Heart (Phil Collins)



Let's do it together.. Help our planet! Though with small efforts, you can support and make a contribution to our old planet. Check inside:

^-^ Song for You - Sabre Dance (Vanessa Mae)


Do You Know??

    While you sip a coffee this morning, take a time to think about it for a while. Perhaps you already knew that coffee is a kind of brewed drink prepared from roasted seeds, have a stimulating effect to human due to its caffeine content, and one of the most-consumed beverages in the world. But do you know where is it come from? Map of coffee cultivation: (r) Coffea canephora , (a) Coffea arabica , (m) both Coffee trees are planted in over 70 countries, cultivated primarily in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. The two most commonly grown are

40 Sajian Lezat Hasil Olah Durian

Siapa yang tidak kenal durian? Buah yang dikenal sebagai "King of Fruits" dan banyak terdapat di Indonesia ini harum dan khas baunya, serta lezat sekali rasanya.

Sexy Technology: 'Thermometer'

  Termometer digital Seperti yang kita kenal sehari-hari, termometer adalah alat untuk mengukur suhu, baik suhu tubuh maupun suhu ruangan. Namun termometer sendiri telah melalui perjalanan yang unik dalam pembuatannya.

^-^ Song for You - Je T'aime (Lara Fabian)


FOLK SONG (Lagu Daerah): 'Bubuy Bulan'

BUBUY BULAN A song originaly came from Sunda (West Java). Enjoy! Lyric:

Message of The Day

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^-^ Song for You - Time After Time (Cyndi Lauper)


'Message of The Day'

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'Message of The day'

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